11 Dirty Ways To Make Money Online

Welcome to this blog post on the weirdest, crazy, secret, and dirty legit online jobs and ways to make money online.
I will show you how to make money fast as a woman with these kinky ways.
On this list, you shall also find weird ways for females to make money online.
Others will be the worst tips on how to make money with your body as a woman.
Bottom line is that there are so many crazy and secret ways to make money online, which we shall discover in this post.
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11 Dirty Ways To Make Money Online
1. Adult Content Creation
There are so many content creators online making big cash.
You can create an adult content blog. If you want to start a blog for mainstream content, check out my FREE Blogging Guide here.
Alternatively, you can create an online store where you sell adult products like sex toys.
Join platforms like Onlyfans, then get paid by your subscribers to give them adult content.
Become a YouTube Influencer in the Adult Content niche. Check out this guide on how to make money on YouTube without showing a face or talking.
2. Sugar Baby
A sugar baby is someone young in a relationship (romantic or non-romantic) with an older person (the sugar daddy) who gives them financial or material favors.
SeekingArangements is a popular sugar daddy website used by sugar babies to find sugaring arrangements.
A study conducted at Cambridge University found out that, more than 1000 students were using SeekingArangements.com to raise their tuition fees and living costs.
Read More: How To Be A Sugar Baby Online
3. Sell Weird Things
Below are some weird stuff you can sell online;
Sell hair on BuyandSellHai.com
Sell dirty and used underwear on a website like SofiaGray.
Sell feet pictures to foot fetish idols.
Sell hands pics to modeling agencies.
Sell breast milk like this one woman who made $13000 selling to bodybuilders.
Sell your eggs like this 27-year-old who made $18000 donating her eggs.
Read More Here: How To Make Money With Your Body As A Woman By Selling In 11 Ways
4. Fake Girlfriend for Hire
Did you know you can get paid to go on dates?
There are so many platforms where men are able to rent a girlfriend for a date, party outing, or one-night stand sexual encounter.
This can be as serious as getting hired as a professional escort or as casual as becoming a simple fake internet girlfriend or online friend.
5. Erotic Texter
Erotic texting is a form of interaction that is flirtatious and explicit.
The involved parties often exchange messages, photos, and videos which create or build up a casual and sexual atmosphere of romance, desire, and lust.
Therefore, this is a process that involves sending or receiving one or more of the following;
- Nudes (can be selfies, photos, or videos of fully or nearly nude body parts)
- Sex acts (either recorded on video or simulated on texts)
- Flirting messages which propose or refer to sex talk.
You can find such jobs in places like;
- Get a sexting job on these Phone Sexting Companies
- Become a Webcam Model on these Cam Sites
- Get paid to message guys on these Websites Where Men Give You Money
- Get paid to have professional mobile sex on these Phone Sex Operator Sites
- Make money chatting with strangers on these Get Paid To Talk To Lonely People Sites
6. Impersonation
There are many places online where you can get hired to pretend to be someone else, such as;
eJury hires mock jurors who help lawyers to prepare for real trials.
Lookalikes.info hires body doubles for films and TV shows.
7. Decluttering For Money
I am sure there is old stuff you don’t use anymore in your home.
You can make money from selling these items;
Selling old kids’ stuff and toys on consignment stores like eBay or Craigslist.
Use Gazelle to dispose of your old phones.
Use DeCluttr to sell a collection of CDs, DVDs, and games around your home.
Sell old books on sites like Bookriot.
Sell seasonal items like Christmas crafts.
Sell scrap metal to scrap yards near you.
8. Paid To Micro Jobs
Micro jobs are very small tasks that will take you so little time to complete.
The problem with these jobs is that they pay so so little, and that is what makes them weird and worst jobs online.
Under the table jobs is the name given to these jobs because their pay is low than expected rates in the labor laws.
You can find such jobs on popular websites like Swagbucks, Timebucks, Picoworkers, MTuk, and more.
Examples of such jobs include;
9. Matchmaker
You are someone who loves to set your friends up for new dates with colleagues and common confidants.
Instead of doing it for free, this time you can get paid to become a matchmaker on Tawkify.
For every perfect date you pull through, this site will pay you around $100.
10. Junk Mail Reader
There is a reason why your email account has a spam folder where all the junk mail is stored.
You get all types of nonsense emails from horny singles, porn site marketers, and other shady people online.
If you are like me, you will probably delete these emails without even reading such bullshit.
As weird as it sounds, there are companies like SBKC (The Small Business Knowledge Center) that will pay you to keep such junk mail in your account.
Previous users of this site have reported that you make an estimate of around $8 monthly with this site.
11. Ads Viewer, Clicker, or Watcher
Most of us hate visiting ads with too many ads.
In fact, we use ad blockers to stop seeing ads on sites we visit frequently.
Maybe if we consider making money from viewing, watching, and clicking on those ads, probably we can stop hating them.
A site like Brave will pay you to watch ads on their browser.
Currently, I use the site Starclicks, which pays me to click on ads as explained in this video.
These two apps (Slidejoy and Current) will help you to make money watching ads by placing ads on your phone lock screen.
Wrapping It Up
You have now come to the end of this post on the dirty ways to make money online.
Remember to read these related posts;
- How To Make Money Fast As A Woman
- Ways For Females To Make Money Online
- How To Make Money With Your Body As A Woman
- Secret Ways To Make Money Online