Scrap Yard Near Me Locator & Metal Prices [2023 Ultimate Guide]


Welcome to this guide where you shall get a scrap yard near me locator and metal prices.

Scrap yards also known as junkyards, salvage yards, wrecking yards, or metal recycling yards are some of the best places to make money fast.

You can make lots of money in a scrap yard by selling scrap metals, old auto parts, and wrecked appliances.

In this post, you shall get tips on how to find the highest-paying scrap yard near me using our zip code locator and other tools.

Also, I will show you how to compare scrap yards near me prices so that you are able to choose the best scrap yards that will bring the highest returns.

Finally, I am going to offer lots of tips on how to make money by selling in a scrap metal yard near me

You can never go wrong with choosing recycling as a way to make money because the scrap metal industry is big and popular with very many opportunities.


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 Scrap Yard Near Me Introduction

What Is A Scrap Yard?

 A scrap yard collects, weighs, sorts, and buys scrap metal from suppliers.

Next, the scrap yard then sells that metal to large-scale retailers such as refiners, governments, and transit companies among other manufacturers.

Below are some common examples of items you can buy/sell to a scrap yard;


How Does A Scrap Yard Work?

 When you walk into a scrap yard you expect to find stacked metal from cars and appliances.

You will also see workers and forklifts moving or sorting the scrap metal on a daily basis.

A scrap yard buys scrap metal from small-scale sellers and then sells it in bulk to refiners.

Therefore, to the scrap yard, you will be a supplier while the refiners will be their customers.

Apart from metal, scrap yards also buy and sell salvage, wrecked or old parts of appliances, such as washing machines, seats, car parts, and engines among others.

Some of the people who visit or use scrap yards include;

  • Electricians
  • Contractors
  • Plumbers
  • Construction companies
  • Demolition companies
  • Refiners
  • Governments
  • Manufacturers
  • Transit companies
  • Homeowners who often do renovation


Where Are Scrap Yards Located?

High-population urban and suburban areas: You shall always find many scrap yards in large cities like New York, Chicago, and Dallas among others compared to small ones.

Large space areas: If you are looking for a scrap yard in the CBD, strip malls, or business lots you are not likely to find one because such yards need lots of space to store the metal. Therefore, off-side roads and industrial area locations are some of the common places to find scrap yards since there is lots of space for operation in such areas.

Means of Transport availability areas: Most scrap yards will be located nearest to the most convenient means of transport for the scrap metal. For instance, you can easily find scrap yards near the ports or train stations.

 How To Find Highest Paying Scrap Yard Near Me

Google search

 Use any search engine like Google, Bing, or Baidu to run a search on one or a combination of the following terms or phrases;

  • Scrap yards near me open today
  • Scrap yards near me open on Saturday
  • Scrap Metal for cash near me
  • Metal scrap yard near me
  • Scrapyard near me is open now
  • Junkyards near me that buy cars
  • Metal recycling yards near me

For example, I search “Scrap yard near me” on Google and got suggestions on many junkyards and salvage yards available near me.



Zip Code Search

You can go to Google maps and then run a search using a combination of your zipcode and scrap yard near me keyword.

For example, I used Zipcode 10001 for New York, and below are some of the results I got.



iScrap App

Use this link to visit the iScap app then use their database search results to find a scrap yard near you.


 Scrap Yard Near Me Prices

National Average 2022 Scrap Metal Prices Chart

Insulated Copper Wire$0.80/lb
#2 Copper Tubing$2.40/lb
Sheet Aluminum$0.37/lb
Light Iron$120.00/ton
Aluminum Cans$0.43/lb
Cast Iron$200.00/ton
Bare Bright Copper$2.85/lb
Electric Motors (Aluminum)$0.18/lb
Electric Motors (Copper)$0.15/lb
Complete Car$135.00/ton
Plumbing Brass$1.75/lb
Car/Truck Batteries$0.13/lb
Non-Magnetic Stainless Steel$0.30/lb
Computer Wire$0.30/lb
Aluminum Siding$0.42/lb
E-Scrap (typically priced @ Light Iron)$120.00/ton

This pricing chart was last updated on 11/8/2022.

I recommend you keep checking out the websites below to get the recent updates on these pricing rates.


Factors Scrap Yards Use To Set Their Prices

a) Market price

The scrap metal industry operates the same way a stock market industry works.

When market prices are high, the price of buying scrap metal from suppliers and selling it to customers is high. When it goes low the price goes low too.

b) Quantity

Better and high prices are offered for large quantities of scrap metal as compared to selling in small amounts.

Therefore, it is advisable that you sell in bulk to get the best prices.

c) The type of metal

Metals are mostly categorized into three: Ferrous, non-ferrous, and electronics (e-scrap).

Ferrous is the lowest in value because they are the common type of metal such as steel and iron.

When passed through a magnet they tend to stick to it. Therefore, ferrous metals are priced at a lower price/value.

Non-ferrous metals such as Aluminium and brass are non-magnetic (don’t stick to a magnet) and they are usually priced higher.

E-scrap or electronic metal is found on home appliances and electronics, such as computers, hard drives, and washing machines among others.

Gold, silver, and platinum are some common metals found in such items.


Scrap Metal Yard Near Me

What Is Scrap Metal?

This is any form of metallic waste previously used by consumers or in the process of product manufacturing, which is ready for the recycling process.

Scrap metal can be grouped into three main categories: ferrous, non-ferrous, and e-scrap.

What Is It?Any metal which contains ironAny metal which does not contain ironAny recycled electronic material
ExamplesSteel, Cast ironCooper, Brass, Aluminum, TinCell phones, Hard drives, CPU chips
ValueNon-ferrous metals are the the most valuable and sells for the most money out of the three!
Magnetic PropertiesIf the metal sticks to a magnet, it most falls in this category of ferrous metals.


Top Three Most Valuable Non-Ferrous Scrap Metals



Aluminum is used in almost all fields to make equipment for the house, transport, building, and more.

Its widespread use explains why it’s a highly valuable scrap metal, which attracts lucrative prices in a scrap yard.

This non-ferrous scrap metal is found in many sources such as;

  • Cans
  • Bicycles
  • Foils/trays
  • Household appliances
  • Car parts
  • Kitchen utensils
  • Window frames
  • Beer kegs
  • Airplane parts
  • Power lines
  • High rise buildings
  • Consumer electronics
  • Spacecraft components
  • Trains




There are two reasons why brass is a highly valuable scrap metal.

One is the fact that it’s an alloy made up of two metals- copper and zinc.

Two, it can be used as a substitute for many other metals like Bronze, since they serve a similar purpose.

Brass can be found in many items like;

  • Lamps
  • Bedframes
  • Railings
  • Handles
  • Doorknobs
  • Hinges
  • Radiators
  • Fixtures
  • Casings
  • Musical instruments
  • Marine Hardware
  • Technical instruments




Any job related to pipping or fitting will require the use of copper because it’s easy to transport and cut down.

This explains why the recycling of copper metal will always be in high demand.

Copper can be found in many household items like;

  • Refrigerators
  • Storage tanks
  • Wiring lights
  • Plumping pipes
  • Kitchen sinks
  • Bathtubs
  • Door knobs


Other Scrap Metal Items You Can Sell At A Scrap Yard

Ferrous MetalsScrap-Metal-Yard-Near-Me---STEEL




eScrap Metals





Where To Find Scrap Metal To Sell At A Scrap Yard

Start a scrap business

This will include getting a working space and creating business cards, and marketing materials such as posters.

You can distribute your business card and posters to local businesses and homeowners who will call you when they have a scrap to through away.

In any local neighborhood, people are always throwing away old refrigerators, office chairs, and other office or home equipment.

Therefore, you can start a business where you collect such small stuff from individuals and then sell it in bulk to scrap yards.


Construction sites

Visit any construction site then look for the contractor or foreman and ask them if they have any waste scrap metal or used parts they would like to sell.

Remember not to take any such waste without asking because you can easily run into lawsuits.

Online platforms

There are so many online marketplaces you can use to find scrap metal such as the following;

  • Craiglist
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • Google
  • Nextdoor
  • Social media pages (Twitter, Pinterest, and Linked In among others)

Simply use the right search phrases or hashtags to find posts of people selling scrap metal and other waste products.



Roadsides and highways

In cities with high populations or busy activities, you will always find that people through always old appliances, home equipment, office furniture, and gardening tools among other salvage or wrecked items anywhere.

The highways of such cities have cars that might have been wrecked by accidents or those old abandoned ones which can be used as scrap metal.

Garbage Bins & Dumpsters

All waste from homes, offices, and cities is taken to specific areas purposely left out to dumpsites and garbage disposal areas.

Here is a place you find all types of waste, scrap metal being one of them.

Hospitals & medical facilities

A hospital has so many waste and salvage items that get destroyed or old on a daily basis.

You can easily get scrap metal in the form of wheelchairs, walkers, fixtures, and appliances in a hospital.



Tips To Get More Cash For Your Scrap Metal

Know what to look for

First, you need to know what is categorized as scrap metal, junk, salvage, or wrecked items.

You must also know what type of metal is easily accepted at scrap yards because supplying high-demand metals will help you make more money.

Below are some of the common scrap items to look for when you decide to start this type of business.


Know it’s worth

Before you can even start collecting and selling your scrap metal, I think it is a good idea to check out the price of each metal.

This will help you to avoid wasting time and energy collecting metals that are worthless or those that bring low-value prices.

Therefore, your goal at this step should be to identify metals that attract the best prices so that you can focus on them to make money with them


Get into sorting & organizing

Earlier we looked at the different types of metals: ferrous, non-ferrous, and e-scrap, do you remember?

I mentioned that non-ferrous metals attract higher prices than ferrous metals.

Instead of selling all three types of metals above as one bundle of scrap metal, it is advisable you buy a magnet so that you are able to sort them.

Selling them as one bundle means you get one price fixed price for the whole package.

In case you sort and organize the scrap by metal type, you get a higher price for non-ferrous metals and even higher prices for e-scrap items with high-value metals, such as gold.

Clean it up

Scrap metal contains impurities and other traces of different types of metals.

For example, since non-ferrous are highly-priced, it is a good idea you clean them up before taking them to a scrap yard so that they pass every test they will be subjected through.

This will also build your credibility with the scrap yard workers and managers since they will identify you as a supplier who brings high-quality, well-sorted, and cleaned scrap metal.

That can easily attract high prices and a good working relationship with such workers.


Compare prices

Now after you have collected, sorted, organized, and determined the worth of your scrap metal, it is time to take it to the best scrap yard for sale.

Instead of just taking the stuff to the nearest yard to avoid transportation costs, it is a good idea you make several phone calls to different scrap yards near you to compare their prices.

The importance of this step is to make sure you pick the scrap yard option which offers the highest prices above every other.

Sell in bulk

Most scrap yards deal with large-scale suppliers and customers which means they offer high prices for bulk items compared to items taken in small quantities.

Therefore, you can get into the habit of collecting and sorting scrap metal for a long period of time and then only take it to scrap yards or junkyards after it a lot, such as one full truck.

Build a portfolio

When you start working with scrap yards, it is advisable you keep records of your transaction with them.

In the future, you can use this transaction history and portfolio to negotiate higher prices especially when you have been a loyal supplier who always brings in valuable scrap metal.

Therefore, make sure that your portfolio will show that you are consistent and a potential long-term business partner who deserves higher price binds.



How To Avoid Scammers In Scrap Metal Yards

License of operation

Get into the habit of working with scrap yards with operating licenses.

A scrap yard with a license means it has passed all the state laws and regulations that should govern its operation.


Never rush through a deal

Avoid all scrap yard dealers who want to close a sale so fast or rush you into the process of making up your mind on the sales decisions.


Additional costs showing up

An honest yard dealer will give you all the upfront costs before you sign a contract or deal with them.

On the other hand, most dishonest yard dealers will bring up new prices later after you have already entered into an agreement or deal with them.


Less pay

 It is common to have yard dealers who will lower the price after you have brought your scrap metal to their yard.

You might have agreed on a higher price on the phone but they change it upon your arrival.

Keep of such dealers who cannot uphold their side of the deal.


Watch their language

Avoid dealers who will always have nothing good to say about your scrap metal.

These include those who will describe it as “worthless”. Commit to finding dealers who will place a high value on your stuff.


Scrap Yard Near Me FAQs

What Is the Difference Between A Salvage and A Scrap Yard?

Every recycled metal, electronics, and automobile is accepted in a scrap yard. On the other hand, in a salvage yard, the scrap in vehicles is parted out, and reselling takes place after that.

This means you will get more value for your automobiles if you take them to a salvage yard instead of a scrap yard.


Are magnets Worth Money?

The primary function of a magnet in a scrap yard is to sort ferrous metals from non-ferrous ones.

Usually, ferrous scrap metals will stick to a magnet when put close to them.

In that case, maybe you can sell a magnet for this specific function and not as a type of scrap metal.


What is e-scrap?

This is the business that goes into recycling old and used electronics.

Any computers, cell phones, DVDs, CPUs, hard drives electronic hardware taken to a scrapyard qualify to be called eScrap.


How Much Is A Dryer Worth in Scrap?

If you look at the iScrapapp, you will notice that a dryer falls in the household category, particularly in the washers and dryers sub-category.

For such items, they are weight first, and then you will be paid a specific figure per pound.

For example, the price for a dryer will generally fall from $8 to $15 per pound.

Those prices will vary from one scrapyard to the next.

For instance, a scrapyard in prominent and busy cities like Chicago or Los Angeles will offer a higher price than one in the countryside.


What do I have to Remove from Appliances Before Scrapping Them?

Most scrapyards will not have a problem if you take the appliance as it is. You can always confirm this with the dealer at the scrapyard.

We advise that you sort your scrap based on worth before taking it to the scrap yard. In line with this, we should remove some parts of the appliances, which attract more prices to sell separately.

For example, you can remove the cooper wiring in refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners and then sell it separately.


What Appliances Have the Most Copper?

First, look for some of the oldest appliances (dryers, washers, refrigerators, stoves, cookers).

The part with the most copper in these appliances is their wiring system.

Caution: Always know that the wiring system of some of those appliances might contain freon (a dangerous chemical compound). Therefore, if you are not a professional at disassembling the wiring system safely, make sure you hire one.


Are Refrigerators Worth Scrapping Metal?

Yes, refrigerators are worth scrapping for metal, but you must remember the factors below.

Some scrapyards will require you to take the fridge intact as it is, while others will need you to disassemble it. Make a call with a dealer to learn such requirements.

Two, due to environmental protection regulations, some scrap yard dealers will require you safely drain freon from the compressor before taking the refrigerator to them.

Three, you must know that some parts of the refrigerator are scrap worth more money than others. For instance, the wiring system has cooper, a type of non-ferrous metal. You can decide to sell such separately.


Is Steel Worth Any Money?

Earlier, we mentioned that steel is a ferrous scrap metal, which usually fetches a low return compared to non-ferrous options like brass, copper, and aluminum.

In that case, regular steel will not fetch any good money for you. On the good side, stainless steel can attract a pay of $.05 per pound.


Do You Have to Pay Taxes When Selling Scrap Metal?

If you live in a state where paying off takes is required, then you must be a law a binding citizen.

You must make sure you duly pay all your income taxes and subject taxes to keep away from being on the unfair side of the law.


Scrap Yard Near Me-Final Thoughts

Homeowners, businesses, industries, hospitals and governments throw away old, wrecked, salvaged or unusable items on a daily basis.

This easy availability of scrap metal makes this one of the best side jobs for people looking for ways to make extra cash.

This post has compressively given you the tips you need to make money on scrap yards also known as junkyards or salvage yards.

You can easily run a Google search on any of the following phrases to find the best scrap yard you can use to start your journey to making money with this extra cash opportunity.

      • Scrap yards near me open today
      • Scrap yards near me open on Saturday
      • Scrap Metal for cash near me
      • Metal scrap yard near me
      • Scrap yard near me open now
      • Junkyards near me that buy cars
      • Metal recycling yards near me


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