10 Reasons Why I Love SiteGround WordPress Hosting


I know there are many factors to consider when choosing a WordPress hosting.

The most important being speed, performance, storage space, customer support, pricing and market reputation among others.

The purpose of this Siteground WordPress hosting review is to show you that SiteGround takes care of all these  considerations and much more than most hosting providers do.

I host all my websites with them because they are simply amazing as you will find out in the 10 reasons I will discuss in this Siteground WordPress hosting review.

When my blogs are new, I host them on Siteground Shared Hosting.

When the blog grows to more than 100,000 pageviews, I move them to Bigscoots Managed WordPress Hosting.



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10 Reasons Why I Love SiteGround WordPress Hosting


1. SiteGround Customers Love Them


I believe in conducting a comprehensive test, research, and scrutiny on any product before I buy or use it.

The best method to achieve this is by reading the reviews, comments, and recommendations left by other customers who have used the product.

Before writing this Siteground review, I used social media networks and review sites to find out the experience of other customers. One of the places to find valuable reviews is on Facebook groups and Twitter.

After looking through WordPress Hosting Facebook Group, I realized that SiteGround was rated number one in 2016, 2017 and 2018 Facebook polls.

Seriously, I searched for any bad review all over the internet from customers, and all I found was Siteground’s Customer Love and endorsements.

Do not get me wrong, I am not saying that SiteGround does not have any negative review, no no no I simply mean that I could not find any in my process of research.

You can also look up at the much love and positive reviews from customers they have at one of the largest online review community for companies, TrustPilot.

To cut a long story short, I got in at SiteGround because if their customers only show love and appreciation, why would I be missing out of the cake?


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2. Recommended by WordPress, Top Bloggers and Websites I Follow


We all have those specific destinations (blogs and websites) that we visit every time we need to learn something.

Here are my top six favorite destinations that I visited before writing this SiteGround WordPress hosting review. Interestingly, I found out that they do not shy away from endorsing SiteGround as one of the best hosting provider in the industry.

Syed Balkhi, the founder of wpbegginer, one of those destinations you can find any information on WordPress recommends them as one of their top five hosting providers for WordPress.

WordPress.org  is my content management system recommends Siteground and one of its top three  WordPress hosting providers

Elegant Themes, my number one theme shop, recommends SiteGround as one of the Top WordPress Hosting companies. I use Divi 3.0 from Elegant Themes for all my websites. Read my full review on Divi 3.0 to find out 20 reasons why I use this theme and why you should too.


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3. Siteground Support is Top-notch and Instant


Here are five reasons why I love  Siteground support;

a) There is a variety of options to reach them by phone, live chat or through tickets.

b) The response is instant within two minutes and at most 10 minutes (I have never experienced more than 1 minute wait time-that is how good and fast they are). If you do not believe me in this one, take a moment and begin a live chat with SiteGround support from their homepage.

c) SiteGround support is knowledgeable and can solve any issue you have or perform ANY action you need. All the technical stuff you cannot do as a beginner SiteGround support is their for you-just ask and you will see the magic. 

d) SiteGround a wide community and knowledge base of support provided through their tutorials, knowledge base, webinars, blog and setup wizard.

e) In comparison to other hosting companies in the  web hosting industry, SiteGround has the fastest support response time and service. 


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4.  SiteGround Prioritizes the WordPress Community


One thing you need to know is that not all hosting providers are configured to support WordPress hosting.

To protect yourself from future disappoints, it is vital to choose a hosting provider that understands your content management system (in this case WordPress) so that they can be able to fix any issues you encounter along the way.

Below are three reasons below to show you that SiteGround cares for the WordPress community;

A) Availability of countless tutorials and resources on WordPress themes, plugins, performance, SEO, installation and everything else you need to get started with WordPress.

B) For beginners they have a simplified Get Started Guide where they provide step-by-step tutorials and checklist on the tasks you should perform to set up your website.  The convenient part is that you do not have to search for this guide online because it will be sent to your first email immediately after you purchase your hosting plan. The good news is that you can ask SiteGround support to do all the technical stuff for you. 

C) SiteGround have a fantastic ecosystem of tools for WordPress users. Here are some that I have used and love (both free and paid for versions):

    • SiteGround Autoupdater: Most of us forget to update our WordPress sites to the latest version, which can create security loopholes, such as hacking. The good thing is that SiteGround does this for you. I receive weekly reports in my email notifying me that my site has been updated to the latest version of WordPress. 
    • SG Site Scanner: This tool is not free, you get it for $12/yr which in my opinion is cheap because your website will be protected from malware, domain blacklist, and other malicious attacks. This tool is provided and powered by Sucuri, one of the best security providers. SiteGround sends weekly reports to my email on this too.
    • Siteground Supercacher: Siteground has a free in-house caching solution. The performance of your website is their priority. What more would you ask for? 
    • Backup and restore tool: You will need a backup of your website because anything can happen any day. The good news is that SiteGround has taken care of this for you. 
    • Free SSL Certificate: This helps you to enable HTTPS protocols for your website, which are more secure. 
    • Free professional email account: When you set up a professional website you want a business email which maybe looks like this, info@website.com. This tools allows you to create one free and link it to the client you want. I think it is important to mention that apart from the WordPress community, SiteGround also caters for the needs of users in Drupal and Joomla content management Systems.


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5. SiteGround has the best Speed Technologies and Performance Records


Before I give my top reasons why SiteGround is a leader in speed and performance in this SiteGround WordPress hosting review, you should read this article to understand why the speed of your website matters.

Now, SiteGround is simply awesome because whether you are on StartUp, GrowBig or GoGeek hosting plans, SiteGround will ensure your website loads faster through the following resources and technologies.

A) SiteGround speed technology uses a combination of the latest hardware, software and  network architecture, such as PHP 7, SSD, HTTP CDN, SuperCache and NGINX.

B) SiteGround servers always runs on the latest version of PHP 7, which increases the speed of static content. You can use Display PHP Version Plugin to find out the PHP version of your server. 

C) They will give you the lowest page load time, which will improve your service delivery to customers. In comparison to other host providers in the industry, SiteGround has the lowest loading time.


If you want to test the speed of your website you can use several tools, such as Pingdom and GTmetrix. Additionally, you can use a tool like Bitcatcha to get your server response time from different locations. Here is an example of the results for this website. At the time I was writing this SiteGround WordPress hosting review, here are the speed performance results of this website in Bitcatcha, and the score was A because the load time was fast in all locations.


D) SiteGround has the best data centers on three continents so you can choose the one closest to your visitors. How does this matter to your speed? The location and characteristics of your hosting data center will affect the stability and speed of your website. The closer your are to the data center the better. Siteground has helped you to reduce this geographical distance because they allow you to choose the closest data center out of the five: Chicago, London, Amsterdam, Milan,or Singapore.

E) Siteground has 99.99% uptime technology. Poor up-time can make your site to experience bad gateways, internal server errors, connection failures and other types of failures. Siteground uses a combination of the following technologies to assure your uptime.

    • Linux containers (LXC): A stable, elastic and efficient technology that ensures performance even in unexpected traffic spikes.
    • Pro-active server monitoring: This enables them to monitor server status, detect issues and fix them immediately.
    • They have their own backup system: A host with a personal backup server like Siteground enables efficient storage and fast restore processes.
    • Have unique Anti-bot AI: This is a solution to all brute-force attacks by unauthorized access to your website servers.
    • Secure account isolation: It assures customers that all accounts in shared hosting plans are independent and none can affect the other by any means.

You can use a tool like UptimeRobot to monitor if your servers uptime is 100% or it experiences downtime. As I was writing this SiteGround WordPress hosting review I tested the uptime of this website. From the results below, you can see that my website hosted with SiteGround has 100% all the time.



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6. You get More and more Free Giveaways at SiteGround


Every plan in SiteGround comes with a whole bundle of free giveaways, and the hosting features keep getting better from one plan to the next.

In this SiteGround WordPress hosting review, I have compiled a small list of some free resources and services you get in all hosting plans:


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7. SiteGround Takes Security Seriously


No one wants to put all the handwork on their website only to lose everything due to security breaches.

SiteGround has implemented several security measures to keep your website safe from hackers, spam and other malicious attacks. You can read the specific details on each of measure below on SiteGround’s hosting features chart and blog.

Siteground’s server technology is also a proof that they take security seriously in the following ways;

  • All SiteGround servers run on the latest PHP version.
  • They run Apache on suEXEC environment support, which is more secure and sophisticated.
  • To block bots attacks they use IDS/IPS systems.
  • They have 1H Hawk, a powerful intrusion prevention control mechanism.
  • SiteGround has a fast support, and this assures you that any security breach you encounter will be solved instantly before it escalates.

Finally, SiteGround has gone a step further to protect individual website owners through the following steps.

  • They have numerous tutorials and guides where you can find answers and information you need to improve your website security.
  • They send weekly emails to notify you about the status of your website.
  • They have numerous tools and resources, such as SG site scanner and Lets Encrypt among others, which you can use to secure your website further.


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8. Affordable Pricing


It is important to note that SiteGround has five hosting options: shared, cloud, dedicated servers, reseller and enterprise.

In this SiteGround WordPress hosting review, I will only focus on Shared Hosting, which is divided into three plans: StartUp, GrowBig and GoGeek. Each has its own unique features and advantages and shown in this Comparison Chart. 

SiteGround has a 30 day money back guarantee on all plans because they know their services will not disappoint you.


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9. They have a Cpanel with Friendly User Interface


 Cpanels can be intimidating especially for beginners. One thing I love about SiteGround is that they have a detailed tutorials  for every service and resource they offer. For example, you can find a detailed Cpanel Tutorial  on their website. SiteGround’s Cpanel is responsive and well integrated with the user area to avoid confusions.


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10. Supports your E-commerce Store


SiteGround supports all Shopping Carts, and they offer detailed tutorials on each  with a variety of Merchant Account Solutions. In case you are wondering if your store will be secure, SiteGround has put in place several security mechanisms to bridge this gap;

  • All accounts come with Lets Encrypt SSL in the cpanel.
  • You will get WildCard SSL in GrowBig and GoGeek plans, and you can find detailed tutorials on all SSL Plans in SiteGround.
  • On the GoGeek plan you will get PCI Compliance, a security software which prevents fraud of credit card data.
  • If you want to test out themes, plugins and other resources before official launch, you can get a staging site in SiteGround.
  • If you do not want shared hosting, you can get a semi-dedicated hosting solution in SiteGround, which is faster and secure to power your e-commerce store.

In this SiteGround WordPress hosting review I have just mentioned some few benefits you can get from SiteGround for your e-commerce store. Just as I mentioned earlier that SiteGround support is amazing, you can find out more on this through the live chat or phone call options.


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Final Thoughts On This SiteGround WordPress Hosting Review


 SiteGround WordPress shared hosting has very few disadvantages in comparison to other hosting companies.

At the time I was writing this SiteGround WordPress hosting review, I only found two, which even are not such a big deal especially if you are just starting out or running a small scale business.

  • They offer a limited disc storage space.
  • If you decide to work with monthly payment subscriptions, it will be more costly because they charge a monthly setup fee.

If you just starting out in your online business SiteGround has all you need in terms of speed, support, performance and pricing as clearly explained in all the reasons provided on this SiteGround WordPress hosting review.

Similarly, if you are frustrated by your current hosting provider, migrate to SiteGround and they will cater for all your needs. They offer too many important features for free, which you will not find in most shared hosting plans in other providers.

Moreover, you do not have to care about the disk space limitation as a beginner because they they have many hosting options, which you can upgrade to in future when your business grows.

In SiteGround you get value back for your money. Most interestingly, they have a free 30-days money back guarantee in case you dislike their services, which I doubt you will.

Kindly  leave a comment below asking any question or adding any additional feature about SiteGround that I might have left out in this SiteGround WordPress hosting review.



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  1. Add the site UptimeControl.net to the article, because only they have a 3-minute site availability check interval on the free plan.

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