How To Become a Pinterest Manager In 30 Days Or Less

How to become a pinterest manager Sproutmentor

What Is a Pinterest Manager?He/she is an example of a virtual assistant hired by business owners to help them grow their brand presence through Pinterest Marketing strategies.

Pinterest is a search engine just like Google. The only difference is that Pinterest focuses on visual graphics known as pins.

Pinterest users use the search bar and trending topics feed to discover ideas on recipes, fashion, and DIY tips.

Therefore, a Pinterest manager is tasked with helping online entrepreneurs promote their brands, products, services, and content on Pinterest.

Therefore, the role of a Pinterest manager can be likened to that of a search engine marketer who helps business owners rank their content on Google.

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How To Become a Pinterest Manager In 6 Steps

Step One: Learn! Learn!

Take courses like Pinteresting Strategies, which will teach you how to become a Pinterest manager, how to land clients, and how much to charge for your services.

If you cannot afford such courses, check out my guides here or use free platforms like Google, Youtube, and Quora.

I always tell you that I am a self-taught blogger. I started from scratch without prior experience, skills, or knowledge about making money with a blog. I learned it all on the Job using Youtube, Google, and a few mentors here and there.

Do not delay your starting because you are a beginner. Learning on the Job is the best way of becoming an expert because you learn while you implement, which brings me to the second step below.

Step Two: Practice

Create your Pinterest accounts to test new strategies before you implement them on your clients’ accounts.

Spend more time pinning on Pinterest and monitoring the trends because that is how you get better at the Job.

The secret to being successful on Pinterest is creating eye-catching pins. Make sure you perfect your pin design skills by practice with Canva, PicMonkey, Photoshop, and other pin creation tools.

They say that practice makes perfect. In other words, working on your perfection at the Job will increase your value.

Business owners pay more for high-value results. If you can help them achieve their goals faster, then you can speed up the possibility of building a successful Pinterest management business.

Step Three: Research

This comes in two dimensions: do a competitor analysis and market trend research.

Closely analyze the journeys of successful Pinterest managers to identify what you can emulate, not copy!

Pinterest keeps changing. Make sure you follow blogs like the Tailwind blog or these Facebook groups to keep updated on these changes.

Step Four: Build a Portfolio

This is the file that will help you to sell yourself to potential clients in step five below.

One way to build a portfolio is by creating a personal website where you include the following;

Customer reviews (request your clients to leave a review after you deliver fantastic results)

Case studies (show before and after pictures of success achieved on Pinterest accounts you have helped to grow)

Services (List all services you can offer potential clients)

Hire me (Have a hire me page where you provide your contact information)

If you do not want to build a website, you can sell your skills on LinkedIn or Quora and other platforms where potential clients are likely to notice your talent.

Step Five: Pitch

This is the step that should take most of your time. If you are just starting, 80% of your time should be spent pitching while the rest are working on the few projects you get.

This is where you reach out to potential clients through cold emailing, letting them know how to help them build their brand presence on Pinterest.

You can also sign up for an account on freelance marketplaces like Fiverr or Upwork then bid on the available projects.

Additionally, you can tell your friends, family, and network what you do, then ask them to refer any potential clients who might need the services of a Pinterest manager.

Alternatively, you can use social media platforms like Facebook groups or Instagram communities to discover new clients.

Step Six: Keep Learning

I have been using Pinterest since 2018. Four years later, this platform is still a mystery to me.

No one ever figures out Pinterest because it’s an ever-changing platform.

It’s one of those jobs where you have to keep learning to remain relevant.

For example, five months ago, there was nothing like story pins or video pins. Today, they are what is trending on working on Pinterest.

The summary is, you must keep learning for excellent results on Pinterest.


Tips To Succeed As a Pinterest Manager

 Understand your client’s objectives

Some clients want to build brand awareness, others to drive traffic, while others to sell products.

You must clearly understand every client’s needs to create pins and pinning strategies that achieve those results.

Pinterest can give you the traffic, but it’s up to you as a Pinterest manager to help your client convert those views into leads and sales.

Never Ignore the Insights and Analytics

Tailwind, Pinterest, and Google Analytics will give you statistics on pin clicks, impressions, and views.

You should be able to use that data to know what is working and what is not working.

This will save you the time you could have spent on strategies that are not working or bringing the intended results.

Get some talent on your team

You might need to hire a professional graphic designer who will create eye-catching pins while you focus on the scheduling and analytics part.

Also, you might need a photographer who will take professional photos if you do not want to buy them from platforms like Deposit Photos or Shutterstock.

Have a content calendar or pinning schedule

Pinterest is not an overnight success kind of platform. You don’t get started today, then the next day you are trending, no!

It takes time before your pins start showing on Pinterest feed or even ranking on Pinterest search.

It would be best to have a long-term pinning calendar or a schedule that will define what to pin, what board, and what time.

This will keep you away from the Pinterest jail or suspension, where your account can quickly get closed or flagged if you pin the same content over and over again.

For example, if you are pinning holiday content, then you need to start pinning it two months before gradually instead of putting out 30 Halloween pins on 30th October.

Use the Batch Strategy

This is where you create multiple pins (that is a bunch) then schedule them. For example, create pins for a whole month then schedule them.

This will give you a chance to focus on other aspects of the Pinterest account, like analytics, compared to creating a few pins daily.

This strategy will also help you to manage more than two clients’ accounts at the same time.


Be Updated

I have said this more than once, and I will repeat it.

Pinterest is an ever-changing platform. No one ever figures it out entirely or settles knowing that their traffic is secure.

You could go to bed with one million Pinterest visits traffic to your website, then wake up to half a million traffic the following day.

I am not scaring you!

The truth is you must keep learning and researching what is working daily to remain a relevant Pinterest manager.

Know Your Worth

Make sure you are charging the correct rates based on your skill level to avoid selling yourself short.

Let the contract with your client clearly define if your partnership is a forever agreement or just a short-term plan to manage their accounts for a limited period like 2, 3, 4, or 6 months.

Decide if you want to be paid before completing the Job or after. These are terms you must discuss with the client.

If you take the Become a Pinterest VA course, you will get invoice templates that will guide you on how to price your skills.

You will also get access to a community of Pinterest VAs who can mentor you and answer any questions you might have about working with clients.


Why Become a Pinterest Manager?

Flexibility: You will be able to work remotely from any location on a flexible work schedule. In other words, you set your working hours and office.

High Demand: Businesses, bloggers, and brands interested in promoting their products, services on content on Pinterest, will always need the services of a Pinterest Manager.

Good Pay: You can charge up to $200 per hour, depending on your expertise.

Easy Job: I have been using Pinterest for the last two years. It is an easy and fun platform to use. Discover other easy jobs here.

Part-time Job: if you are a stay-at-home mom, you will be able to work during your extra hours after your kids fall asleep or go to play. Discover other part-time jobs here.

Versatile: Pinterest managers work with various clients from all niches and business models like eCommerce, bloggers, authors, influencers, etc. This way, you can learn more and build a broad business network.

All Skill Levels: There are too many clients with different Pinterest manager needs and budgets. Beginner, intermediate, and expert Pinterest managers will always get leads regardless of their skills or expertise.

Who Is The Pinterest Manager Job For?

Career Changers: If you want to learn and master a new skill, then becoming a Pinterest manager is one of the options out there.

Social Media Managers: Social media networks are platforms used by entrepreneurs to reach their target audience.

Freelancers: Pinterest managers are virtual assistants who fall in the general category of remote workers known as freelancers.

SAHM’S: Stay at home moms, homemakers, introverts, and babysitters are people who are always looking for work from home jobs they can do after completing their household chores.

Pinterest Users: Some people love to use and spend a lot of time on Pinterest.

How Much Can You Earn As a Pinterest Manager?

The amount you earn will depend on two factors; the time you put into the Job and your expertise.

The more time you work, the higher you shall earn because you will complete more projects for several clients.

As a beginner Pinterest manager, you can prize your services at $15 to $30 an hour while experienced people charge $75 to $200 per hour. This is the reason I say your expertise will matter.

The amount will also depend on the client. Some clients have higher budgets than others. For instance, a company is willing to pay more than an individual blogger like me.

Why Do People Hire Pinterest Managers?

Pinterest Returns Are Huge: A pin has a longer lifespan. A tweet is only relevant in minutes, a Facebook post in hours, but a pin lasts months and years.

There are more than 200 million active users on Pinterest. A business owner can drive lots of traffic to their products, services, or brand from Pinterest with the right strategy.

For example, below is a pin from my account driving more than 7000 users to this blog.

Pinterest manager- why hire one

Pinterest Takes Times: Growing a Pinterest account and traffic requires a lot of patience. It’s a journey that will demand consistency too.

If you have a busy schedule and no strategy in place, you shall not keep up.

Hiring a Pinterest manager is the surest way to ensuring a steady climb on Pinterest.

Cracking The Pinterest Code Is Hard: Many have started on Pinterest, but very few have good things to say about it in regards to driving traffic or making money with Pinterest.

Additionally, the Pinterest algorithm keeps changing. That means what worked yesterday might not work tomorrow.

You need an expert to do the job for you if you want fast results from Pinterest.

What Are The Tasks/Services You Offer As a Pinterest Manager?

In other words, what does a Pinterest manager do?

Here is a quick summary of other tasks or services offered by a Pinterest manager;

  • Creating Pinterest ad campaigns or promoted pins
  • Coaching and training on Pinterest
  • Scheduling content
  • Interpreting Pinterest analytics
  • Applying to group boards

#1 – Create Optimized Pinterest Accounts & Profiles: Some clients do not have a Pinterest account.

In such a Pinterest manager will begin from scratch where they create the account for such clients while optimizing them in the ways explained in the video below.


#2 – Create Viral Pins: A perfect pin must be the right size, be readable, have an eye-catching image, have a clickable title, and use the correct fonts.

A Pinterest manager will use their design and creativity skills to make the elements above blend ideally, as explained in the video below.


#3 – Perform Pinterest SEO: This includes finding the right keyword to use in pin or board titles and descriptions.

It all about making pins rank when Pinterest users search a specific phrase on a keyword on Pinterest, as explained in this video.


#4 – Pinning On Pinterest: Pinning on Pinterest requires a strategy that defines what times to pin, which board, how many times, and so many other variables.

See an example of a pinning strategy in the video below;


Any Pinterest Training To Help You Get Started As a Pinterest Manager?

#1 – Pinterest VA: This course is taught by Kristin Larsen, who started her Pinterest Virtual Assistant career in 2015. Read her journey here. Below are some of the things taught in this course;

  • How to launch a Pinterest Virtual Assistant business from scratch.
  • How to take an existing Pinterest Virtual Assistant business to a nine-figure income.
  • How to start getting paid your actual worth as a Pinterest manager.
  • What makes a good client, and which ones should you avoid.
  • What skills do you need to become a successful Pinterest VA?
  • How much to charge depending on your level (beginner, intermediate or advanced). You shall get Free Invoice Templates to help you with this.
  • How to find and land high-paying clients.
  • How to measure your monthly success using the client’s onboarding workbook provided in the course.
  • How to use Canva and Tailwind training even at a technical expert level.
  • How to create promoted pins and set up Pinterest ad campaigns that convert.

#2 – Pinteresting Strategies: This is a course taught by Carly, a well-known blogger.

I first repurchased Pinteresting strategies in 2018 when it was an eBook.

Currently, Carly has transformed it into an entire course with six modules where you learn the following;

#3 – My Resources: I have been using Pinterest since 2018. I have created several guides and training which might be helpful to you.

  • The Viral Pin Formula: This is an EBook I wrote to share the strategies I use to drive at least 2000 page views to this blog daily from Pinterest. That is FREE traffic without paying for any ads or a graphic designer.
  • My Youtube Channel: I have done a few FREE videos on Pinterest in my youtube channel, which I have put together in a playlist.
  • This Blog: Have several FREE blog posts, which you can find by clicking on that link.

What Are The Pinterest Manager Must-Have Pinterest Tools?

#1 – Visuals/Graphics: You must use visual graphics in the form of images, vectors, or videos on Pinterest.

  • If you cannot afford a professional photographer, the cheaper option is buying graphics from stock photography websites like Shutterstock.
  • For example, the images I am using on my Pinterest account currently I bought them from DepositPhotos during the Appsumo deal, where I was getting 100 images for $25.

#2 Softwares: Pin Inspector is a Pinterest software that will help you as a Pinterest manager achieve the following;

  • Keyword Generator: Find the best keywords to use on your Pinterest pins and board descriptions or titles.
  • Trends Generator: Discover what is trending or doing well on Pinterest to copy the same success. This will help you to stay ahead of your competitors and also remain relevant on Pinterest.
  • Pins & Boards Analyzer: Get more than 45+ data points on every pin or board you want to analyze or learn more about.
  • Browse & Scrape Tool: Discover hidden top performing ads and pins which are not shown in the Pinterest feed.

#3 – Followers: MiloTree will help you to build your Pinterest followers.

  • They also help you to showcase your profile directly from your website.
  • They give you a 14-day free trial to test the product.
  • When a visitor comes to your site, Milotree will show a pop-up of your Pinterest profile with a follow button, as shown in this demo video.

#4 – Design: Canva is a free graphics creation, editing, and design Pinterest tool.

  • It will help you to create beautiful images for your Pinterest marketing campaign.
  • Canva is easy to use, and they have a wide variety of templates and free photos you can use to spice up images for Pinterest.

#5 – Scheduling: A tailwind is a scheduling tool that will help you to automate your pinning.

  • It will do the pinning even when you’re busy with other tasks.
  • Tailwind is a fantastic Pinterest tool because it is easy to use, and they give 14 days FREE trial.
  • Additionally, they provide analytics and insights that tell you how your pins and boards perform on Pinterest.

Pro Tip: This blog post contains 30 Pinterest tools. Make sure you read it to see the complete list of the ways to boost your productivity.

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