Get Paid to Get Tattoos: How to Make Money with Skinvertising


Did you know you can get paid to get tattoos on your body? It is possible to earn passive income by getting inked for commercial purposes.

 If your answer to the above question is YES, then you are interested in learning how to get paid to get tattoos on your body. This unique and creative way to earn money is by becoming a human billboard for brands and companies.

This article detailed information on how to Get Paid to Get Tattoos on Your Body.

You can also discover other ways to make money with your body here such as getting paid for body pictures, getting paid to hug and be a friend, donating plasma, and more!


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Get Paid to Get Tattoos: An Introduction To Skinvertising

What is Skinvertising?

Skinvertising is a form of marketing involving tattoos of logos, slogans, or images of brands or companies on your body. By doing so, you act as a walking advertisement for them, exposing their message to anyone who sees your tattoo.

Skinvertising can be done with permanent or temporary tattoos, depending on your preference and the agreement with the advertiser. Some advertisers may offer you free tattoos, cash, or other incentives for getting their tattoos on your body.

How Does Skinvertising Work?

Skinvertising connects people willing to get tattoos on their bodies with advertisers looking for effective and unconventional ways to promote their products or services.

There are two main ways to get paid to get tattoos on your body: working directly with companies or joining websites that offer opportunities.

Some companies may approach you directly or through social media if they like your profile and think you fit their brand well. They may ask you to get a tattoo of their logo or name on a specific part of your body, such as your arm, leg, chest, or even face.

They may also ask you to post photos or videos of your tattoo on your social media accounts or attend events where you can show off your tattoo. They may offer you cash, free products, discounts, or other perks in exchange.

How Much Can You Make From Skinvertising?

The amount of money you can make from skinvertising depends on several factors.

Some of the factors that apply in determining the money you will get paid to get a tattoo include:

  • The type of tattoo: Permanent tattoos usually pay more than temporary ones, requiring more commitment and risk.
  • The size and location of the tattoo: Larger and more visible tattoos usually pay more than smaller and less visible ones, as they attract more attention and exposure.
  • The popularity and demand of the advertiser: More well-known and reputable brands usually pay more than less-known ones, as they have more budget and influence.
  • The duration and frequency of the tattoo: Longer-lasting and more frequent tattoos usually pay more than shorter-lasting and less frequent ones, as they provide more value and exposure.
  • The quality and quantity of your social media presence: Having more followers and engagement on your social media accounts pay more than having less, as it increases the reach and impact of your tattoo.

According to some sources, you can expect to make anywhere from $50 to $5,000 per tattoo, depending on the above factors. However, the actual amount may vary depending on the individual agreement and negotiation with the advertiser.



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 Get Paid to Get Tattoos: 5 Skinvertising Companies That Pay

Skinvertising is a form of advertising where people get paid to get tattoos of brands or logos on their bodies. It is a way of showing brand loyalty and attracting attention from potential customers. Skinvertising can be permanent or temporary, depending on the agreement between the advertiser and the client.

If you are interested in getting paid to get tattoos, here are 5 skinvertising companies that you can try:

#1 – eBay

eBay is the world’s largest online marketplace, where you can buy and sell almost anything. You can also sell your skin space for tattoos on eBay by listing your body part, the size, and the duration of the tattoo. EBay allows you to post your services and set prices for interested people to post bids.

#2 – Fiverr

Fiverr freelancer marketplace allows people to offer various services for $5 or more. You can create a gig offering to get a temporary or permanent tattoo of a brand or logo on your body. 

#3 – Tattoo Media Ink

Tattoo Media Ink specializes in tattoo advertising. You can sign up as a tattoo model and get access to various tattoo campaigns from different advertisers. You can choose the body part, the size, and the duration of the tattoo. Depending on the contractual agreement, a Skinvertiser can earn $100 to $10,000 per tattoo.

#4 – Tattoo Ads

The website connects advertisers with people who are willing to tattoo from brands. Register on the Tattoo Ads website and select one of the available campaigns. The company specializes in temporary tattoos and has served customers in Australia for over 15 years. Tattoo Ads pay between $100 and $10,000 per tattoo.

#5 – Bad Apple Tattoo las vegas

If you reside in Las Vegas and you are a tattoo artist, then Bad Apple Tattoo is the place to visit. The company offers excellent tattoo services where you can get paid to tattoo yourself. The company operates in a physical location and does not hold an active online service website. The tattoo you get is a marketing factor, and the company pays well for such services.



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Get Paid to Get Tattoos FAQS

Is skinvertising legal?

Skinvertising is legal in most countries as long as you are of legal age and consent to getting tattoos. However, some countries or regions may have laws or regulations prohibiting or restricting certain types of tattoos. Always check the local laws and customs before agreeing to get a tattoo for an advertiser.

Is skinvertising safe?

Skinvertising is generally safe if proper hygiene and care procedures are followed. However, there are risks and side effects associated with getting tattoos, such as infection, allergic reaction, scarring, and removal. Infection can occur if the tattoo equipment is not sterilized properly or if the tattoo site is not cleaned and bandaged properly. Allergic reactions can cause itching, swelling, redness, rash, or blisters on the tattoo site or elsewhere on the body. Therefore, research and consult with a professional tattoo artist before getting a tattoo for an advertiser.

How do I choose a good advertiser for skinvertising?

Choosing a good advertiser for skinvertising is essential as it affects income, reputation, and satisfaction. Choose an advertiser with a positive and trustworthy brand image and reputation in the market. Choose an advertiser that offers a high-quality product or service that is relevant to your niche, interests, values, and audience. Choose an advertiser that offers fair and attractive compensation for getting tattoos on your body. Read their contract terms carefully and make sure you understand and agree with them before signing.

How do I negotiate a good deal for skinvertising?

Negotiating a good deal for skinvertising is essential as it determines earnings and returns. Do market research to find out how much other skinvertisers charge for similar tattoos and exposure. Be confident and assertive in expressing expectations and requirements to the advertiser. Be flexible and creative in finding a win-win solution for both parties. Be open to compromise and negotiation on some aspects of the deal, such as the tattoo’s size, location, or duration.

How do I get paid for skinvertising?

Skinvertising payment depends on the agreement with the advertiser. Some advertisers may pay cash upfront or after the tattoo is done. Others may offer free tattoos, covering the cost of equipment, materials, artist fees, and aftercare products. Some may offer free or discounted products or services, sending samples, vouchers, coupons, or memberships. Lastly, some advertisers may offer exposure or promotion, featuring the individual on their website, social media accounts, newsletters, or other marketing channels.

How much do tattoo artists pay the shop?

Tattoo artists give the shop a portion of their earnings as rent or commission. The shop uses this money to pay for its costs, such as rent, utilities, supplies, equipment, insurance, and taxes. The portion tattoo artists give to the shop depends on their agreement with the shop owner or manager. A tattoo artist pays the shop through Booth rent, a percentage slip of the total earning (30% to 80%), and hybrid service, and the artists pay both rent and commission.

What percentage do tattoo artists get paid?

Tattoo artists earn a portion of the tattoo’s price and tip after paying the shop. The price and tip vary depending on the design, location, style, technique, artist, and customer. Based on the agreement, the shop takes a cut of the earnings, which can be 30% to 70%. For example, an artist who pays 50% to the shop would keep $120 out of a $240 tattoo ($200 price plus a $40 tip). An artist who pays 30% to the shop would keep $168 out of the same tattoo.

What is our conclusion on these get paid to get tattoos post?

Getting paid to get tattoos on your body is not for everyone, but it can be a fun and lucrative way to make money if you love getting inked and don’t mind being a walking advertisement. You can find opportunities by working directly with companies or joining websites that offer them. You can also research and network to increase your chances of finding suitable and profitable opportunities.

Read about Other ways how to GET PAID:

Get Paid to Get Tattoos: How to Make Money with Skinvertising



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