OPM Wealth Review 2021 [Is OPM Wealth A Legit Crypto Biz or Another Big Risk MLM Pyramid Scheme?]



OPM Wealth Review – What Is OPM Wealth?

Welcome to my OPM Wealth Review!

OPM is an acronym for “Other People’s Money”.

The team behind OPM Wealth claims that it can help you make 6-figures in 12 weeks through teaching you how to use loans to generate massive wealth.

If you have ever worked with mutual funds accounts, you know that money from different investors is pooled together, then its invested back on businesses of small-scale business owners who want to expand their investments.

That is the same way, OPM Wealth works when they promise to help you build wealth using other people’s money.

OPM Wealth is a high-ticket business which is sold for highly expensive prices ranging from $2000 to $27,000.

OPM Wealth is a Multilevel Marketing (MLM) type of business with several types of compensation plans, which we shall talk about as we proceed with this OPM wealth review.

OPM Wealth is a pyramid scheme where you make money by recruiting new members into your network.

You don’t have to worry about having technical skills because most of the processes are automated in this done-for-you system.  After all, you can even get cheap labor services from Fiverr, PicoWorkers and other freelance marketplaces.


This post might contain affiliate links. I may earn some commission if you click on such links. You shall not incur any extra cost if that happens. Please read our full affiliate disclosure here!



OPM Wealth Review – The Overview


Product NameOPM Wealth
Cost$2000 to $27,000
OwnerStefan Dessalines
RefundsNo Money-Back Guarantee
Product TypeMLM/Pyramid Scheme
RatingWe Don’t Recommend it!


My No #1 Recommendation: Legendary Marketer 15-Day Affiliate Challenge

3 Reasons You Should Consider My No #1 Recommendation Over the OPM Wealth;

#1 It’s a training not a tool:  It’s better to be taught how to fish, than to be given the fish. That training will give you all the secrets you need to become a six-figure affiliate marketer.

#2 Its cheaper: You get OPM Wealth at $2000 and other upsell costs with no guaranteed results. With my recommendation, you shall get tons of free affiliate challenges and training’s and if you want the premium product, you shall only spend $7 for it.

#3 It’s a fit for all: The affiliate training am recommending to you is appropriate for marketers at beginner, intermediate or even expert level.

>>Click Here To Try My No #1 Recommendation<<



OPM Wealth Review – Who Is Behind OPM Wealth?


The guy that seem to be associated with the creation of OPM Wealth is Stefan Dessalines because he is the marketing face in all the OPM Wealth launch videos.

OPMWealth.com domain registration records also show that Dessalines is the guy who did the registration privately back in 2019.

Little is known about Dessalines, but most records show that he was an active player in the film industry before transitioning into creating several MLM businesses like OPM Wealth.

In 2000 he also tried his luck in the mortgage industry after he opened a company, where he was the CEO. I am not sure if that mortgage company is doing well or it failed.

He has also worked as a sales representative and marketing manager for several brands like Beneficial Finance.

Despite having such an incredible resume, Stefan does not have any popularity on social media or even on the search engines.

For example, on Facebook he has less than 200 followers and he has never posted anything since 2017.

Another problem is that there is no an “About” page or info in the main sales page of OPM wealth. This is a red flag, which makes us question the credibility of Dessalines and his products.

The OPM Wealth YouTube channel seem to have less than 100 subscribers and all you get is this video on Stefan explaining how the “super simple system” will generate profits for you.

Continue reading this OPM Wealth review to discover other reasons you should not trust this product other than the fact that the creator has a questionable reputation.




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OPM Wealth Review – How OPM Wealth Works


Step One: Joining OPM Wealth

Create a FREE account by filling up the simple sign up form.

Avoid giving any personal information like bank details or actual location at this point to protect your identity and security.


Step Two: Watch OPM Wealth Videos

Watch the three intro videos that will tell you what is OPM Wealth. They will help you decide if you need this product or not.


Step Three: Schedule a call with an OPM Wealth Mentor

If you decide that you want to learn more about OPM Wealth after watching the videos, you will be invited to schedule a call with a mentor who will guide you on how to get started.


Step Four: Get the OPM Wealth products

At this point you must be ready to invest some money into buying the products at OPM Wealth.

There are four types of products you can get. Read this section (OPM Wealth Review – OPM Wealth Products) below to learn more about them!



OPM Wealth Review – OPM Wealth Products


#1 OPM Wealth Back Office Videos

There three training videos which introduces everything you need to know about OPM Wealth.

Below is a list of the topics taught on the 3 videos;

Topic OneWhat OPM Wealth
Topic TwoHow does OPM Wealth Work?
Topic ThreeHow to get started on OPM Wealth
Topic FourDigital Franchise
Topic FiveHow To use (OPM) Other People’s Money
Topic SixHow To build Great Credit
Topic SevenThe Truth About Money
Topic EightTime Management
Topic NineCrypto Basics
Topic TenTrading Cryptocurrency
Topic ElevenParadigm Shift
Topic TwelvePower of Systems
Topic ThirteenCompensation Plan
Topic FourteenLaws of Life
Topic FifteenKeep More Money
Topic Sixteen7 Steps to Financial Freedom
Topic Seventeen20 Rules of Money
Topic EighteenThe Power of Mindset
Topic NineteenFinancial Independence Pt/1
Topic TwentyFinancial Independence Pt/2



#2 OPM Wealth Plutus Plan

Once you get this product, you will get access to high-ticket affiliate funnels you can use to make lots of commissions in the Cryptocurrency niche.

You must pay for Plutus program before you get access to the benefits which come with it.

At some point you will also need to pay additional costs like running ads and other traffic generation strategies.


#3 OPM Wealth Packages

Creating an account at OPM Wealth is totally 100% free.

On the free account level, you get 3 intro videos and the ability to schedule a call with a mentor who will advise you how to grow your wealth with OPM depending on your credit score and expectations.

Below are the paid OPM Wealth packages and how much they cost;

The PackageCost

Depending on the package you buy, you shall get a gift like a backpack, laptop, chargers among other classy products.


#4 OPM Wealth Compensation Plan

OPM wealth has a 2-tier system compensation plan.

In the first tier, those are your direct referrals who sign up through your affiliate link. These types of referrals will generate a 60% commission.

The second-tier referrals are your indirect referrals, where you shall get a 10% commission.




OPM Wealth Review – What I Love About OPM Wealth (THE PROS)


#1 OPM Wealth is Free To Join

Creating an account at OPM Wealth is totally free. This way you are able to test things for yourself before you make a decision to spend your money buying this product!


#2 You can make money with OPM Wealth

I have never loved making money through pyramid schemes. If you do love such kind of business model, the OPM Wealth compensation scheme can help you to make lots of money.



OPM Wealth Review – OPM Wealth Scam Signals (THE CONS)


#1 No Refunds @ OPM Wealth

OPM wealth operates with a crypto currency payment method with popular coins like Bitcoin, Etherium, Litecoin among others.

Any payment you make in crypto is non-refundable, which means you cannot ask for a refund once you buy this products or tools offered by OPM wealth.

Additionally, the crypto market is very volatile, which means the risk of losing your money is very high.


#2 The brain-washing  & Worthless OPM Wealth Videos

Before you can get any value from OPM wealth, you are expected to watch three intro videos meant to brainwash you to a specific thinking pattern.

The videos have lots of marketing hype with misleading claims like “12 weeks to 6-figures, 12 months to financial freedom”.


#3 The Loan Bait OPM Wealth Red Flag

They will even make borrowing money to guy their highly priced products, a risk-free engagement which you don’t need to overthink.

They even promise to help you build your credit score until you can qualify for a high-amount loan.

Its really not a good idea to take a loan to finance a product you don’t even know will be present 6 months later.

At least take a loan to invest in more stable and risk-free business ideas where you have full control of the results.


#4 No Evidence of Money Made With OPM Wealth

There are no testimonials, income reports or any case studies showing proof that the results of this product are tried & tested.


#5 OPM Wealth is a Pyramid Scheme

Most businesses that operate in form of Pyramid schemes are known to steal money from people. In fact, pyramid schemes are banned in most countries.

Pyramid schemes collapse easily because most of the recruited member are unable to keep the profits flowing for not being able to recruit new members.


#6 OPM Wealth Is Too Expensive

Like who is willing to dish out $2000 right now? OPM Wealth does not favor beginners and small-scale entrepreneurs who are still trying to establish their ventures.


#7 No Product Offered @ OPM Wealth

OPM Wealth simply sells a pyramid scheme with hyped marketing language without selling any tangible product. 

So how are they making money or how are they getting the loans if they don’t have a business that sustain all that?

No wonder this is a business banned in more than 50 states in the US because an MLM must have a physical product to operate legally.



OPM Wealth Review – Is OPM Wealth Legitimate?


OPM Wealth is a legit business since it exists and has a website where you can get started.

But according to this OPM Wealth review….

I have not tried this product so I do not have any proof or evidence to back up my claims.

If I choose to rely on reviews from credible sources this is what I found out;

OPM Wealth is a not a registered business on third-party screening platforms like Trustpilot & Better Business Bureau.

If you go to Google then search, “OPM Wealth Review”, all the top three results do not recommend this product. Read the comment section of some of these reviews and you will discover real people explain how they got disappointed.

To be honest…

There are better ways to make money online than investing your hard-earned money on such a high-risk opportunity.


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OPM Wealth Review – Conclusion


I do not recommend OPM Wealth!

Yes, it is not a scam… but… it is a high-risk opportunity because the products are highly priced (the lowest is $2000).

Additionally, the whole business model is reliant on borrowing loans, which is a very risky business investment, especially when you have absolute control over the highly volatile crypto market.

Based on the cons discussed in this OPM Wealth review and other reviews on Google, I would not recommend OPM Wealth to anyone. Below is what I would recommend you to use; 

My No #1 Recommendation: Legendary Marketer 15-Day Affiliate Challenge

3 Reasons You Should Consider My No #1 Recommendation Over the OPM Wealth;

#1 It’s a training not a tool:  It’s better to be taught how to fish, than to be given the fish. That training will give you all the secrets you need to become a six-figure affiliate marketer.

#2 Its cheaper: You get OPM Wealth at $2000 and other upsell costs with no guaranteed results. With my recommendation, you shall get tons of free affiliate challenges and training’s and if you want the premium product, you shall only spend $7 for it.

#3 It’s a fit for all: The affiliate training am recommending to you is appropriate for marketers at beginner, intermediate or even expert level.

>>Click Here To Try My No #1 Recommendation<<


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  1. Before you did this review, did you happen to check if they are still in business. OPM took 19,500 from me and is now gone. Do everyone a favor and find them and post that info.

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