
5 Best Pinterest Tips and Tricks

Pinterest Tips & Tricks Sproutmentor

The Pinterest algorithm keeps changing, such as their new update on the best practices released a few months ago.

How many times should I pin per day?  What time should I pin? How many pins should I create per post? Which is the best, manual or scheduled pinning?

Pinners are still obsessed with finding answers to these questions and many more.

There is no one size fits all answer to those questions because every Pinterest user has a unique success story.

So what should you do as a pinner?

I have compiled a list of five Pinterest tips and tricks from my personal experience and common recommendations from other bloggers and Pinterest experts to get you started.

These Pinterest tips and tricks are a must-have component in you Pinterest growth strategy.

Eventually, you must test out all those other Pinterest tips you come across to determine which one works best for you.

Recommended Resource: Pinteresting strategies Ebook





Recommended Readings…..




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5 Best Pinterest Tips and Tricks


1. Pin Design


Use the Pinterest tips and tricks below to make your pin images to stand out and get more repins, which increases your authority and reputation.

Pinterest is a visual engine meaning that you must create attractive images to win the attention of its users.

Images should be high-quality and vertical.

Use the recommended images sizes, Pinterest recommends the optimal pin size as 2:3 or 600 wide by 900 high and the largest 600 wide by 1260 tall as the largest. Using the right pin size is essential because if your pin is longer, some sections will not be visible in the Pinterest feeds. I know that is the last thing you want to happen to you.

Most successful pinners, such as Carly Campbell in her eBook Pinteresting strategies say that using paid stock photography has increased their conversions and traffic more than when using free stock photos. I use free stock photography so I cannot talk about whether I have seen a difference in this aspect.

Use the right image creation tools, such as Canva and PicMonkey to create attractive images.

Use eye-catching images through the use of bright colors, large, bold and contrasting fonts

Use attention-grabbing headlines, text overlays or titles in your pictures.

Some Pinterest experts’ advice that you should create a template for your pins to remain consistent with your brand and save time. From personal experience, I think experimenting with different designs works best than using one design template.




2. Keywords


Pinterest SEO is one of those Pinterest tips and tricks you cannot ignore.

The only way Pinterest users will find your content is through search words or phrases called keywords.

Pinterest also displays pins in the home feed, related pins section below every pin and the explorer tab through analyzing keywords on a pin description and title.

Therefore, if you do not use keywords, your pins will never be found or displayed to your target audience.

Use the Pinterest tips below to use keywords in the best locations.
a) Use keywords in your pin descriptions. You can also use the image alt tag section in WordPress to add keywords to your pins pinned directly from your website. There even several Pinterest tools, such as Tasty Pins, you can use to add keywords to your pins.
b) Use keywords in your board descriptions and titles.
c) Use keywords in your profile business name and bio.
d) Use keywords in your post Meta descriptions or excerpts. Pinterest will pull this information and display it on every pin. I use Yoast SEO WordPress plugin to add Meta descriptions to my posts.
How do you find keywords to use in the above locations?

The best way to find keywords is to use Pinterest guided search. As you type a word or phrase on the Pinterest search box, it will autocomplete with relevant suggestions.

Suggested readings: How to do keyword research like an SEO expert and How to research keywords that will get you on Page 1 of Google.



1.    This nine-figure proofreader is teaching interested candidates how she build a nine-figure income proofreading business in this FREE 76-Minutes Workshop. Read more about this opportunity on this post.

2.    She makes $300 daily on Pinterest! Learn how you can make money pinning on Pinterest on this FREE Training. Read more about this opportunity on this post.

3.  This Turker manages to make more than $1000 every 30 days. He is teaching how you can make $50 daily as a micro-worker online on this NEW Book. Read more about this opportunity on this post.




3. Boards


Boards whether personal or third party group boards is what Pinterest uses to classify and judge the worthiness of your pins.

Your board should be highly optimized with keywords for them to be relevant in the Pinterest algorithm.

You should join relevant group boards to give your pins more exposure to group boards with a better reputation and high engagement.

Use the five Pinterest tips and tricks below to improve your Pinterest boards;

a) Use the five board rule

Most Pinterest experts argue that a pin should live on at least five relevant boards in your Pinterest profile.

For example, if you blog about SEO, you should ensure that your Pinterest profile has at least five boards related to SEO (such as SEO, SEO tips, SEO for beginners, SEO WordPress and SEO for bloggers).

So you add Pin 1 to Board 1 and five days later to Board 2 and repeat the process monthly to avoid being spammy. View my Pinterest profile for a sample here.


b) Find relevant niche-specific group boards

Pinterest tools, such as Pingroupie will help you to find group boards to join quickly, but not all may be right for you.

Instead of joining general group boards, such as “Bloggers Promotion” only, look also for niche specific ones, such as “SEO for beginners” if you blog about SEO among others.

You should also analyze the health of every group board to make sure you only join those with high repins, engagement and less spammy activity.

For instance, if you are a recipe blogger looking for group boards to join on PinGroupie, it is better to join “Jo Cooks Community Favorite Recipes.” or “Bloggers’ Fave Retro Recipes,” which are more niche-specific as opposed to joining those other general options.


c) Pinning to relatable board first

When you are adding a new fresh pin to Pinterest, make sure you pin it first to a relatable board.

For instance, if the pin is on keyword research, pin it first to “SEO tips” board instead of adding it to a general group board, such as bloggers unite on Pinterest or your website posts board.


d) Add board Covers

Pinterest is a visual engine so making your Pinterest profile look attractive and branded is an added advantage.

Somehow it increases your reputation and appeal to your target audiences.


e) Add featured boards

Spice up your Pinterest profile by adding featured boards’ function, which showcases your most relevant boards.





4. Pinning Strategy


There is a lot of Pinterest tips and tricks you should know about pinning. I will narrow down the scope to the most relevant tips I use on a daily basis.

a) Manual scheduled pinning

Some bloggers, such as Carly Campell, the author of Pinteresting Strategies eBook swear by manual pinning while others by scheduled pinning.

Most people argue that Pinterest highly rewards those who use manual pinning. Since I am busy, I use both manual and scheduled.

The secret is consistency and experimentation. Settle on one approach or both and remain consistent with the times or the scheduler you use all the time.

Do not be afraid to test out both methods either independently or co-dependently to find the one which works best for your Pinterest efforts.

I use Tailwind to schedule my pins, and you can find other scheduling tools in this post on Pinterest tools.


b) Third party pins

I bet you have heard of the 80/20 rule where you are supposed to pin 80% other pinners content and 20% your content.

Anyway, I do not live and breathe that rule because I use Pinterest to grow my brand not to promote other peoples content.

This is not to say that I do not pin content from other people, but I mean that I mostly pin most of my content then 20% other people content.

PRO TIP: maximize your conversions on this strategy by pining infographics more because they get repined more, which will improve the reputation of your account.


c) Common FAQs on Pinterest pinning strategy

How many pins should you pin per day?

Most people bet in the numbers above ten pins per day. I believe there is no one size fits all in this context. I pin 80 to 100 pins per day, yet I know a blogger who pins 10 per day, and she has more success on Pinterest than I do. Therefore, keep experimenting with different numbers until you find the one which works best for you.


What time should your pin?

A controversial and hard question with many answers out there. I stopped obsessing over the right time and trusted Tailwind suggested timings and the time my pins get more repins. You can monitor the notification tab to know when your pins get more repins. The secret at the end of the day is to remain consistent at whichever time you choose to use.


How many pins should you create per post?

Most people advice at least three, which is the number I use anyway. So I schedule the three pins using one-day interval on Tailwind. For example, Pin 1 get pinned to Board 1 on Day 1 and Pin 2 to Board 1 on Day 2.

What should you pin?

You can add new pins to Pinterest, repin old pins or best-performing pins derived from your analytics (see the tip below) or repin content from other Pinterest users.



5. Analytics


The best way to get the most out of Pinterest is through monitoring the performance of your account from the analytics options below.

a) Pinterest Analytics: You must have a business account for you to have access to Pinterest analytics. You will get information on how your profile is performing in terms on your most saved and clicked pins or interests of your profile visitors.

Suggested reading: Making sense of Pinterest Analytics

b) Tailwind Analytics: This tab will give you information about the performance of your pins and Pinterest profile. You will be able to track how many followers and repins your profile is getting on a daily basis.

c) Google Analytics: From Google Analytics dashboard you can find your best-performing pins using this procedure: Acquisition > social > network referrals. You should repin these pins or create new images for them to maintain their traffic.


Other Pinterest Tips and Tricks



Consistency is the secret to success in Pinterest. Pin at least five times per day at the same time within well-spaced intervals.

Experiment, experiment and try out different strategies every time because there is no one strategy, which fits all situations.

Set your profile right from the beginning by signing up with a business account, enabling rich pins and claiming your website.

Use Tailwind tribes to discover trending pins and grow the repin rates of your pins.

Use the right Pinterest tools to avoid suffering from burnout or overlooking the benefits of Pinterest.



Recommended Readings…..



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  1. Hello Hildah,

    I always come to stumble upon your pins on Pinterest, they are top of recommendations. Problem with the good group boards is they don’t accept you. It’s hard to get in.

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