6 Essentials You NEED to Chase Your Dreams As a Leader [Genesis 12:1-6]


Do you have a dream so audacious and big that it scares you a little?

Maybe it’s starting your own business, pursuing a career that seems “out there,” or even quitting your job to do full-time ministry.

The journey towards your dreams can feel overwhelming as if you need a whole U-Haul full of stuff to get started.

Worry not because today you shall discover the ultimate packing checklist for dream chasers.

In Genesis 12, we encounter the story of Abraham, a man who received a life-altering call from God.

His story is a roadmap for anyone who dares to dream big and chase their God-given purpose.

Let’s unpack the 6 must-haves in your dreams chasing checklist.

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6 Essentials You NEED to Chase Your Dreams [Genesis 12:1-6]

#1 – Openness

Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house” [Genesis 12:1a].

This first instruction that God gave to Abraham needed a heart that was open to change.

He had to leave everything he knew – his family, his familiar surroundings, his sense of security.

Similarly, chasing new dreams often requires a similar level of openness, which demands stepping out of comfort zones.

It might mean leaving behind a comfortable job, a toxic relationship, or even limiting beliefs that hold you back.

Openness is about accepting that the path to your dream might not be comfortable, but it will definitely be transformative.

#2 – Teachability

“…unto a land that I will shew thee” [Genesis 12:1b]

God did not give Abraham a detailed itinerary for his journey.

Even if the destination remained a mystery, Abraham trusted that God would guide him every step of the way because he had a teachable spirit.

Likewise, chasing new dreams requires a constant learning posture.

There will be unexpected turns, dead ends, and moments of confusion.

Teachability is about being open to learning from your experiences and seeking guidance from God and wise mentors along the unfolding path.

#3 – Patience

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed” [Genesis 12:3]

This promise wouldn’t be fulfilled overnight. Abraham would have to wait years, even decades, to see its full fruition.

We live in microwave generation, a world of instant gratification, but dreams worth chasing often take time.

There will be moments of doubt, frustration, fear, delay, and a longing for faster results.

But during those times, remember God makes everything beautiful at the right time [Ecclesiastes 3:11], and those that walk according to His counsel bring forth fruit in their season [Psalms1:3]

Patience is about trusting God’s timing is perfect, for He can cause all things to work together for God for those who love Him [Romans 8:28].

#4 – Faith

So, Abram departed, as the Lord had spoken unto him” [Genesis 12:4]

Notice that Abraham didn’t overthink it; he didn’t get bogged down in analysis paralysis; he took the first step of Faith.

At this point of his journey, he was a faithful man with a weak faith.

Eventually, he became the father of Faith because Faith is a destination and not a starting point.

This is perhaps the most crucial lesson for any dream chaser.

There will always be reasons to delay, reasons to be afraid, and reasons to stay in your comfort zone.

At those moments, always remember that Faith is about maintaining the mindset that action, even imperfect action, is always better than inaction.

#5 – Support System

And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother’s son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran” [Genesis 12:5]

Abraham didn’t embark on this journey alone.

He had his wife, Sarai, by his side, a constant source of love and support.

He also had Lot, his nephew, as a companion on the journey.

In the same manner, when chasing your dreams, surround yourself with people who believe in you, encourage you when you’re down, and celebrate your victories.

Find mentors who have walked a similar path and can offer valuable guidance.

A support system is not only about emotional encouragement but also a source of practical help.

#6 – Resilience

And Abram passed through the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land.” [Genesis 12:6]

Abraham’s journey did not start with happily skipping off into the sunset.

It was full of challenges, such as encountering the Canaanites, a powerful people already inhabiting the land.

He faced many more frustrations like famine [Genesis 12:10], temptations [ Genesis 12:13], and conflict [Genesis 13:7] among others.

The journey won’t always be smooth sailing because roadblocks and setbacks are inevitable on the path to destiny.

But remember, like Abraham, keep moving forward, trusting in God’s promises, and building the resilience you need to overcome those obstacles.

The greatest journeys to accomplished dreams often begin with courage, a single step of Faith, and are sustained by resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks.

Learn from your mistakes, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward.

With these essentials as your toolkit and Faith as your compass, you can become the person God created you to be!

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Are you looking for a deeper understanding of your faith? I’m excited to let you know that I have written books that delve into scripture and offer insights to help you grow in your Christian walk. Learn more about my books by visiting this link.

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