The 3 Positions of The Believer in Christ (The Book of Ephesians)

The book of Ephesians is one of the Apostle Paul’s richest letters, giving us a heavenly perspective on God’s eternal purpose and our identity in Christ. In essence, Ephesians outlines three key positions that every believer must understand to live out their Christian faith: sitting, walking, and standing. Each of these positions reflects a stage in our spiritual journey, guiding us in how to relate to God, how to live in this world, and how to stand against spiritual opposition. Let’s explore what it means to sit, walk, and stand according to Paul’s teachings in Ephesians.
POSITION ONE: Chapters 1 to 3: SITTING with Christ in Heavenly Places: Our Position of Rest and Authority
Paul opens Ephesians by reminding us of our spiritual position in Christ: “And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:6, NIV). The first key position for every believer is sitting—a posture of rest, authority, and confidence in the finished work of Christ. This position is crucial because it is the foundation of our entire Christian life.
Sitting signifies rest. Just as one sits and places their weight on a chair, trusting it to hold them, we are called to rest in Christ, placing the full weight of our lives on Him. This resting is not passive; it is an active faith that recognizes our union with Christ and our participation in His victory. It’s a position that acknowledges we don’t strive to earn our salvation or spiritual blessings—those are given to us in Christ. When we sit with Christ, we recognize that everything we need for life and godliness has already been secured by His death, resurrection, and ascension.
More than just rest, sitting is also a position of authority. In Ephesians 1:20-21, Paul explains that Christ is seated at the right hand of the Father, far above all rule and authority. The phrase ‘right hand’ is not about geographical position but about the authority of a throne (Psalms 110:1) and the office of Christ (Acts 2:36). As believers, we share this authority. This means that we are not defeated, but rather, we operate from a position of victory. Our sitting with Christ in the heavenly realms is a powerful reminder that our battle has already been won in Christ, and our lives flow from this victory.
POSITION TWO: Chapters 4 & 5: WALKING Worthy of Our Calling: Living Out Our Faith
Once we understand our position in Christ, Paul moves to the next stage: walking. In Ephesians 4:1, Paul urges believers to “walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called” (ESV). Our walk represents how we live out our faith in the everyday realities of life. It is how we conduct ourselves, how we relate to others, and how we reflect Christ in the world.
Walking is the practical outworking of our faith. While sitting speaks to our identity in Christ, walking speaks to our conduct as believers. Paul spends a significant portion of Ephesians (chapters 4 to 6) explaining what this walk looks like. He calls us to walk in unity, walk in love, walk in light, and walk in wisdom. These practical instructions show us how to live lives that are pleasing to God and that reflect the new creation we have become in Christ.
Walking is also about growth. As we walk, we mature in our faith. The journey of walking is not always easy—it requires discipline, humility, and perseverance. But as we walk, we are transformed, becoming more like Christ in our character and actions. It is essential, however, that our walk is rooted in our sitting position. If we have not first learned to rest in Christ, we will struggle to walk in victory. Our walk is only effective when it flows from a deep understanding of our identity in Christ.
POSITION THREE: Chapter 6: STANDING Firm in Spiritual Warfare: Our Position of Victory
Finally, Paul ends his letter by calling believers to stand. “Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes” (Ephesians 6:11, NIV). Standing represents our ability to resist spiritual opposition and fight the battles we face as Christians. It is the posture of warfare, where we engage in spiritual conflict with confidence and authority.
Standing is critical because it reflects our readiness to withstand the enemy’s attacks. Paul emphasizes that we do not fight for victory but from victory. Because we are seated with Christ, we have the authority to stand firm against the devil’s schemes. In Ephesians 6, Paul outlines the spiritual armor we must wear to stand against the powers of darkness—truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God. These are the tools that equip us to stand firm in the face of spiritual battles.
But just as with walking, standing is only possible if we have first learned to sit. Without a proper understanding of our position in Christ, we cannot stand effectively against the enemy. Our authority in spiritual warfare comes from the fact that we are already seated with Christ in heavenly places. When we stand, we are enforcing the victory that Christ has already won on our behalf.
Conclusion: The Spiritual Progression of Sit, Walk, Stand
The message of Ephesians is one of spiritual progression. First, we learn to sit—to rest in Christ’s finished work and recognize our position of authority in Him. From this place of rest, we are then able to walk—to live out our calling and reflect Christ in our daily lives. Finally, we are equipped to stand—to engage in spiritual warfare with confidence, knowing that the victory has already been won.
For modern-day Christians, this progression is essential. In a world that constantly demands our effort and performance, Ephesians reminds us that everything begins with rest in Christ. Only when we have learned to sit in the presence of God can we truly walk in victory and stand firm against the challenges we face. So, let us embrace these three positions and live out the victorious life that Christ has called us to in Ephesians.
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