5 Signs You’re Building a God-Centered Marriage [Genesis 2:20-25]

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What did God envision marriage to look like?Here are the 5 visions that were in the heart of God when He established the institution of marriage, according to Genesis 2:20-25.

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5 Signs You’re Building a God-Centered Marriage [Genesis 2:20-25]

#1 – Partnership

And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and every beast of the field; BUT FOR ADAM THERE WAS NOT FOUND AN HELP MEET FOR HIM.” [Genesis 2:20]

After naming all the animals, it was obvious to Adam that they came in pairs, and none qualified to be his pair.

God used this task to prepare Adam to receive the gift of woman because God didn’t bring Eve forth until Adam recognized his need for her.

That was a demonstration to Adam that Eve was not to be treated in an inferior way like the animals but like a companion.

That highlights the importance of partnership, where the wife and husband recognize the need for a companion who can complement their strengths and weaknesses.

#2 – Unity

And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: AND HE TOOK ONE OF HIS RIBS, and closed up the flesh instead thereof.” [[Genesis 2:21]

God created Eve using Adam’s own body as a constant reminder of their fundamental unity. Adam would discover numerous differences between Eve and himself as he got to know her.

Regardless, he must always remember that they are fundamentally the same and share the same material.

A husband and wife are not two similar halves, but two distinct pieces that come together to make a whole.

Their unity should resemble a lovely tapestry made from various colored and textured threads that come together to form one amazing image.

#3 – Order

And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, AND BROUGHT HER UNTO THE MAN.” [Genesis 2:21]

God formed Eve from Adam, meaning that he is the head and the source first. She was meant to be an assistant, not his replacement.

In Ephesians 5:25-33, Apostle Paul taught husbands how to maintain that order through loving their wives like Jesus Christ, whose bride comes from the wound made on his side.

Christ does not struggle to get respect and submission from his bride because He demonstrated His love to her by giving Himself up for her.

#4 – Oneness

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, AND FLESH OF MY FLESH: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.” [Genesis 2:23]

There are two levels of unity – ecumenism and oneness.

In ecumenism, the parties learn to co-exist when a need arises while maintaining their differences.

In oneness, the parties relinquish their single-less differences to join together to form one.

That means in ecumenism, the parties remain heterogeneous, while in oneness, they become homogeneous.

‘Become’ means that oneness is a journey, not a destination.

In other words, oneness is attained through an intentional, ongoing process of the willingness to do small things that promote it.

#5 – Intimacy

Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother, AND SHALL CLEAVE UNTO HIS WIFE: and they shall be one flesh. And they were both naked, the man and his wife, AND WERE NOT ASHAMED.” [Genesis 2:24-25]

In verses 24 and 25 of Genesis chapter 2, we see two dimensions of intimacy.

The first is the physical union expressed through the sexual relationship. [“…and shall cleave unto his wife…”]

The other is an emotional and spiritual union characterized by no shame, fear, and nothing to hide. [“…and were not ashamed…”]

Working together, these two levels of intimacy are meant to create the state of  “nakedness,” which is far more than mere nudity.

In the biblical context, “nakedness” is the state of being totally open and exposed to your partner, just like we are to God.

One Flesh, Two Souls?

How can couples navigate individuality within the concept of “oneness”?

Can a modern marriage truly achieve the “no shame” intimacy described in the Bible?

Let us know in the comments!

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