5 Proofs That Praying for Just One Person = Eternal Impact (Ephesians 6:18)

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And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. (Ephesians 6:18, NIV)
Prayer is a powerful tool, often underestimated when it comes to its impact on individual lives. Most of us often equate impact with large numbers. As a result, we might feel that our contribution to God’s kingdom only matters when we’re standing before vast congregations or leading massive revival meetings. But Scripture tells a different story –in this blog post we shall look at 5 examples provided in the Bible where a single act of faithful prayer or ministry to just one person resulted in extraordinary, eternal outcomes.
Proof One: Andrew
After encountering Jesus, Andrew’s first action was beautifully simple – he found his brother Simon Peter and brought him to Jesus (John 1:40-42). The Scriptures don’t record Andrew preaching to thousands or performing dramatic miracles. Instead, his most notable act was introducing one person – his brother – to Jesus.
This single act of ministry had staggering consequences. Peter became the rock upon which Christ would build His church (Matthew 16:18). He preached at Pentecost, where three thousand souls came to faith (Acts 2:41). He wrote two epistles of the New Testament that serve as a pillar for the church doctrine today. Every time someone has been touched by Peter’s writings or inspired by his bold faith, they’re experiencing the ripple effect of Andrew’s simple act of bringing one person to Jesus.
Proof Two: Ananias
Ananias was called by God to pray for Saul of Tarsus – a man known for persecuting Christians. Consider the courage this required because Ananias knew Saul’s reputation. Despite his natural fears, Ananias obeyed (Acts 9:10-19). His prayer not only restored Saul’s physical sight but played a crucial role in launching the ministry of the man who would become the Apostle Paul.
The impact? Paul wrote approximately one-third of the New Testament. These writings form most of the Christian theology that continues to shape our understanding today. He planted churches throughout the Roman Empire. He mentored leaders like Timothy and Titus.
All of this started with one man’s willingness to pray for one person. Ananias never wrote a book of the Bible or planted numerous churches himself, but his ministry to one person helped catalyze the spread of Christianity throughout the ancient world.
Proof Three: Onesiphorus
His primary recorded ministry was caring for and encouraging Paul during his imprisonment in Rome. While scripture does not provide extensive details about Onesiphorus’ life, during a time when associating with imprisoned Christians could be dangerous, Onesiphorus made it his mission to find and support just one person – Paul. Through his ministry, he indirectly supported the entire early church, as Paul continued writing and ministering even from prison.
The impact of this focused ministry was so significant that Paul mentions it in Scripture, asking God to show mercy to Onesiphorus’s entire household (2 Timothy 1:16-18). This reminds us that when we minister to one person, the blessing often extends to our family and beyond.
Another similar example is that of Epaphroditus, who was a messenger from the Philippian church. His main recorded personal ministry was serving Paul during his imprisonment (Philippians 2:25-30).
Proof Four: Priscilla and Aquila
Priscilla and Aquila, a devoted ministry couple, are best known for their role of discipleship on Apollos. Apollos was a learned man with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures, but he lacked a complete understanding of the gospel. Priscilla and Aquila took him aside and explained “the way of God more adequately” (Acts 18:24-26).
This couple could have simply appreciated Apollos’s gifting from afar or criticized his incomplete understanding. Instead, they chose to personally invest in his growth. They didn’t organize a training conference or write a theological treatise. They simply took one gifted individual aside and poured into his life and ministry.
The result? Apollos became a powerful voice for the gospel, so much so that some in Corinth would later consider him on par with Paul himself (1 Corinthians 3:4-6). Through their focused investment in one person, Priscilla, and Aquila helped shape a teacher who would impact countless others with the message of Christ.
Proof Five: The slave girl
A young Israelite slave girl, whose name we don’t even know, spoke up about God’s prophet who could heal her master’s leprosy (2 Kings 5). This unnamed girl’s simple witness to one person – Naaman – led to: The healing of a powerful military commander, the testimony of God’s power reaching Syria, and a pagan leader coming to faith in the one true God as Naaman declared, “Now I know that there is no God in all the world except in Israel” (2 Kings 5:15) This young slave girl reminds us that age, status, or position doesn’t limit our ability to impact others for God’s kingdom. Her simple testimony to one person led to far-reaching consequences.
In conclusion, perhaps you are waiting for an opportunity to speak from a pulpit or to have all your prayers answered before you feel qualified to minister to others. Remember, God often works through the small, faithful actions of His people. He builds His kingdom through the collective efforts of many, not just the prominent few. When you pray, disciple, or evangelize to just one person, you contribute to the greater work that God is doing. Don’t wait for the perfect conditions or the ideal platform. Start where you are through the practical applications below:
- Value every opportunity: Don’t wait for the “big platform” or the “perfect moment.” Each person God brings into your path is an opportunity for eternal impact. As Mother Teresa wisely said, “If you can’t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”
- Trust god’s multiplication: Remember that God specializes in multiplication. Just as Jesus fed thousands with five loaves and two fish, He can take our ministry to one person and multiply it beyond our imagination.
- Stay faithful in small things: Luke 16:10 reminds us that faithfulness in little things leads to faithfulness in much. Your consistent prayers for one person matter to God and can have far-reaching effects you may never see in this lifetime.
- Focus on quality over quantity: Deep investment in one person’s spiritual journey often bears more fruit than superficial interaction with many. Jesus himself invested deeply in his twelve disciples who then changed the world.
- Remember the value of one soul to God: In God’s economy, numbers work differently than in our worldly calculations. One soul is precious to God, and impacting one life for Christ is of infinite value. Remember Jesus said that God is the kind of father who leaves the 99 just to find the one soul (Matthew 18:12).
- Be intentional & Alert: As you pray in the Spirit on all occasions, stay alert to the opportunities God provides, even if it’s just to touch one life. Make it a habit to minister to those around you, trusting that God can use even the smallest acts of faith for His eternal purposes.

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