Recent Posts On Altars:

What Is an Altar?
Altars are sacred spaces or structures where human beings engage with the divine or the demonic, depending on the intent and nature of the altar.

Why Build Altars?
Altars shape our spiritual journeys, destinies, and purposes. In this post, we’ll dive deeper into the top five biblical reasons for their importance.

The Vocabulary of Altars
Delve into the terminologies or vocabularies surrounding the concept of altars to lay the groundwork for deeper exploration in future teachings.

The Priest on The Altar
Priesthood has transitioned from a task limited to a specific tribe to the reality for every believer. What does it mean for a believer in Christ?

The Sacrifice on the Altar
The New Testament believer is called to offer something different, something more profound—spiritual sacrifices. What are they?
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