Recent Posts On Faith:

3 Aspects of God’s Word to Pray by Faith (Romans 10:17)
God cannot violate His Word, let us look at the three key aspects of God’s Word that guarantee He will always respond to faith exercised in prayer.

3 Levels of Challenges That Yield to Persistent Prayers of Faith (Matthew 17:20)
Through David’s experiences, let us explore the three distinct levels of challenges that yield to persistent prayers of faith as captured in 1 Samuel 17:36.

Jesus as the “Author & Finisher” of Our Faith (Hebrews 12:2)
Jesus is the center and circumference of all things. Let us delve deeper into what it means for Jesus to be the “author” and “finisher” of our faith and explore how this understanding shapes our walk with God.

3 Ways to Be Established in Your Faith (Colossians 2:7)
Growing in faith isn’t accidental—it’s intentional. This blog post outlines three essential steps for becoming established in faith, which means to be firm, reliable, and secure in Christ!

2 Marks of a Dying Church’s Faith (Revelation 1:20)
A dying church loses its light and purpose, failing to illuminate the world with the gospel. This post explores two key marks of such a church and help you to learn how to restore vitality!

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